Monday, November 10, 2008

Right-wing insanity on display in this one

Daily Kos: Freepers Call for FOX Boycott

Here are some examples:

Yesterday I had had enough!! Fox left us behind with all the democrat talking heads.

That with all of this working to hurt Sarah Palin is the end for me.

I really think that God will step in and fight for her. He never
rushes in. He is kind and sometimes He waits to let people show their
worst. The time will come when He will move and when He does, I wonder
how much power Fox News will have left.

I would not want to be in the shoes of all of those working to destroy Sarah Palin

I thought the new Huckabee show was going to be fun and last week he had it chocked full of liberal guests.

If FOX wants me back they will bring on Glenn Beck and Rush. I have had it with weasels like Hannity and O’Reilly.

The problem with FOX is that they are pandering to people that truly want fair and balanced. We conservatives want the truth.

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