Monday, November 10, 2008

Right-wing insanity on display in this one

Daily Kos: Freepers Call for FOX Boycott

Here are some examples:

Yesterday I had had enough!! Fox left us behind with all the democrat talking heads.

That with all of this working to hurt Sarah Palin is the end for me.

I really think that God will step in and fight for her. He never
rushes in. He is kind and sometimes He waits to let people show their
worst. The time will come when He will move and when He does, I wonder
how much power Fox News will have left.

I would not want to be in the shoes of all of those working to destroy Sarah Palin

I thought the new Huckabee show was going to be fun and last week he had it chocked full of liberal guests.

If FOX wants me back they will bring on Glenn Beck and Rush. I have had it with weasels like Hannity and O’Reilly.

The problem with FOX is that they are pandering to people that truly want fair and balanced. We conservatives want the truth.

“150 MPG” Hybrid SUV Company Claims it is Being “Muzzled”

Just weeks before the 2008 LA Auto Show, hybrid car and powertrain
maker AFS Trinity is pulling out after saying that show management
“muzzled” them by disallowing claims that their highly modified Saturn
Vue plug-in hybrids can achieve 150 mpg.

In a statement,
AFS Trinity said that “carmakers continue to seek tens of billions of
taxpayer dollars, ostensibly to develop fuel-efficient vehicle
technologies, but their conduct is evidence they are reluctant to
embrace solutions they didn’t invent.”

In the show management’s defense, AFS Trinity’s 150 mpg claim is
associated with a specific driving pattern which may or may not
represent average driving conditions. If their hybrids are driven 40
miles per day for 6 days and then 80 miles on one day of the week, they
use about 2 gallons to go 300 miles — which equals 150 mpg.

Because plug-in hybrids are such new technology, there is no agreed
upon method to estimate fuel economy. Typically, a plug-in hybrid can
drive up to 40 miles per day without needing to use any fuel, and
beyond 40 miles the engine kicks in and charges a battery which then
powers the car. If you only drive more than 40 miles once in a blue
moon, you could have a rather ridiculous fuel economy of several
thousand miles per gallon.

What, then, is an appropriate way to rate the fuel economy of these
new types of cars? An email from LA Auto Show management to AFS Trinity

“We cannot approve this content . . . the mileage claim
is of primary concern to us. Manufacturers are forced to quote EPA
verified mpg numbers in their advertising, and . . . [your] 150-MPG
figure is an estimation. A banner like this one in the lobby is likely
to generate unfavorable reactions from manufacturers, which is
something we will take action to avoid.”

AFS countered that no concept or prototype car at the auto show has
its fuel economy certified by EPA prior to being exhibited, and told
show management they would change their promotional materials to say
that the 150 mpg claim is an “estimate.” In response, AFS Trinity was
told that no materials would be accepted in any form that made a claim
of 150 mpg and that the issue was “no longer a topic for further

EPA has been struggling with how to rate the fuel economy of plug-in hybrids — the most recent being a spat between EPA and GM about how to rate the upcoming Chevy Volt.
So, for the LA Auto Show management to claim that AFS Trinity is not
using approved EPA methods to estimate fuel economy, they’re kind of
off base, because even the EPA doesn’t really know how to rate fuel
economy with some of the new alternative powered vehicles.

AFS Trinity says they will be exhibiting their extreme hybrids
elsewhere in downtown LA during the auto show. I’ll be sure to go check
their cars out while I’m down there to see what all the hoopla’s about.

Image Credit and Source: AFS Trinity Power Corporation

Saturday, November 08, 2008

I like this guy's thinking and please pay attention to the last sentence.

Kirby on gay marriage: It's official - I don't care - Salt Lake Tribune Enter your Zip code to find news and events in your area
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Kirby on gay marriage: It's official - I don't care
Tribune Columnist
Article Launched: 10/24/2008 01:00:00 AM MDT

Robert Kirby

* LDS Church and Prop 8
* Nov 8:
* Utah's Catholic bishop: We oppose gay marriage, too
* Thousands in Salt Lake City protest LDS stance on same-sex marriage
* Nov 7:
* Prop 8 critics have little support among minority voters
* Oct 27:
* Together for 19 years: A St. George gay couple, Mormon and Catholic, married in California
* Oct 26:
* Prop 8: California gay marriage fight divides LDS faithful

Posted: 7:15 PM-
A couple of years ago, I wrote a column in which I announced my official position on gay marriage. Basically, I don't care.
Not only do I not care if gays get married, it is none of my business. As a flaming heterosexual, it's a full-time job for me just to keep my thoughts clean in church. I don't have the energy to fret about somebody else's libido.
The column must have resurfaced on the Internet. I'm getting mail again telling me what a failure I am as a Mormon because I'm not solidly behind Proposition 8. As I understand it, the California ballot item would prevent the domestication of homosexuals. Or something like that.
Here are just a few of the attempts to get me to see reason.
"Are you a member or not? Do you want gays to get married in the temple? Please follow the brotheren's [sic] council [sic] on Proposition 8. This is a important gospel principal [sic]." G., e-mail.
"No unclean thing can enter the house of the Lord. Gays are unclean because of the Scriptures. You have to be hot or cold about it or the Lord will spat you out." T., e-mail.
"Were you listening in church when the letter was read from the First Presidency about supporting proposition eight?" R.Y., e-mail.
"Get with Prop 8 or your [sic] a homo." Anonymous,

Hard as it is to counter such brilliant logic, my position hasn't changed. The only serious concern I have about gays getting married is that they'll register someplace pricey.
The church is serious about the sanctity of marriage. I get that. But aren't more potentially "dangerous" marriages already being performed out there?
For example, I hear in church all the time about marriage being ordained of God. But I also hear about how the glory of God is intelligence.
Shouldn't it be against the law for stupid people to get married? What's more harmful to society - two well-dressed men getting married and settling down, or two idiots tying the knot and cranking out any number of additional idiots?
You should have to pass a harder test to get married than the one we currently have. Essentially, there are but two questions: "How old are you?" and "Is that your sister?" Hell, you could pass this test just by guessing.
There are drawbacks. Most people get married when hormones and youth make them about as dumb as they'll ever be. So, even a relatively easy test would by default raise the age limit to about 40.
With an increased marriage age limit, there would be fewer births. Genealogy would become easier to do. With fewer births, there would be fewer children born gay. Hey, isn't that what Heavenly Father would want?
OK, I was just kidding about that. But if you're really serious about putting a stop to gay sex, let them get married.

Bone Marrow Transplant Cures Patient of Aids

A Doctor, a Mutation and a Potential Cure for AIDS -

The startling case of an AIDS patient who underwent a bone marrow
transplant to treat leukemia is stirring new hope that gene-therapy
strategies on the far edges of AIDS research might someday cure the

The patient, a 42-year-old American living in Berlin, is still
recovering from his leukemia therapy, but he appears to have won his
battle with AIDS. Doctors have not been able to detect the virus in his
blood for more than 600 days, despite his having ceased all
conventional AIDS medication. Normally when a patient stops taking AIDS
drugs, the virus stampedes through the body within weeks, or days.

this is an amazing discovery

U.S. military researchers grow new limbs, organs

American military researchers say they have unlocked the secret to
regrowing limbs and recreating organs in humans who have sustained
major injuries.

Using "nanoscaffolding," the researchers have regrown a man's fingertip and the internal organs of several test subjects.

technology works by placing a very fine apparatus called a scaffold,
which is made of polymer fibres hundreds of times finer than a human
hair, in place of a missing limb or damaged organ. The scaffold acts as
a guide for cells to grab onto so they can begin to rebuild missing
bones and tissue.