Tuesday, June 03, 2008

School gave me diploma illegally

Forsyth Central High School gave me passing marks in Economics,
Statistics, and 12th Grade Literature, in which I did not deserve. I
totally failed my Lit. exam scoring a 24, but on my report card it was
recorded as an 80, which was just enough for me to pass. Same with
Econ., I missed the exam completely, didn't even take it, yet it was
recorded as a 100 on my report card. With Stat., I didn't turn in most
of my assignments, but I wasn't given zeros, instead they were just
left blank so it wouldn't count against me. I know it's wierd for me to
complain about passing, but I was planning on being a 5th year senior
and now my plans are messed up. I don't know what type of lawsuit this
would be, or what kind of compensation I should be asking for (I would
like to get my diploma revoked if at all possible). Also, not sure if I
should be sueing the actual school, or just the individual teachers.
All I know is that it can't possibly be legal for a school to pass a
student without merit. Also, I kind of have a short time window as I'd
like to be reinstated before the next school year starts in August, and
I know these lawsuits take a long time to get resolved, and I don't
even know if it's possible to get one done that quickly, but I'd like
to try. Anyway, regardless of the circumstances, I would still like to
know if I have a case. Please help me out as I am desperately seeking

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