Sunday, June 29, 2008


Sorry, this is just a test to check blogging with MS Word.

Friday, June 13, 2008

The one and only Howard Cable is angry of CBC's dumping of Hockey Night in Canada Theme - Ottawa and Region - Cable guy rips CBC

When I first heard that the CBC was going to dump a Canadian Icon Theme for Hockey Night in Canada I thought I was dreaming. Whoever is behind this decision at CBC should be fired. This fantastic Theme is intrinsically connected to Hockey and our Game. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
When you think of Johnny Carson you think of the Tonight Show Theme music. The dope head at CBC behind this decision is a total fool and has no concept about our game and how this Theme joins Canada as a Nation.

What total horseshit and check out the large amount for the woman at the end of this

Julie Couillard a Man Eater according to her ex

This woman is a Femme Fatale if I ever saw one. This story has rocked Canadian Politics and has made us the laughing stock of the world.

Here is a definition of Femme Fatale:
A femme fatale (plural: femmes fatales) is an alluring and seductive
woman whose charms ensnare her lovers in bonds of irresistible desire,
often leading them into compromising, dangerous, and deadly situations.
Ex-hubby less than kind to Couillard


-- Nicknamed the Mata Hari of the 450 area code in reference to the
Dutch dancer who used her charms to spy for the Germans during World
War I, Julie Couillard is described by a source close to one of her
former lovers as "a man-eater."

Indeed, her ex-husband Stephane Sirois has
said in media reports: "I'm not a saint but neither is she. She is
attracted to people who have money and power."

Sirois, a former member of the Quebec
biker gang the Rockers turned police informant, is under the Witness
Protection Program because of the role he played in the 2003 trial of
Hells Angels Leader Maurice (Mom) Boucher -- and he's not kind to
Julie, describing her as a charmer who now pretends to be easily
offended because her name has been dragged in the mud.

Sirois said he met Couillard one spring night in 1997 at a bar in Montreal's north end.

"We were partying. The club was known for being a biker bar. Why would
she show up there if she didn't want to meet bikers?" he said.

After a few weeks of courting, the couple wed on Sept. 19, 1997.
Sources said about 100 people -- including members of organized crime
-- attended the ceremony and reception. The couple divorced in April

According to public documents, Couillard
describes herself at times as a businesswoman, consultant and real
estate promoter who volunteers at federal elections.

She has been a licensed real estate agent since April 2007. Her licence was renewed in January 2008.

Through the real estate development company Kevlar, she apparently
approached people in political circles to land a construction contract
for a federal building project in Quebec City. She also attended
Conservative party fundraisers.

UN: Abolish the Monarchy in England--Idiotic I say

BRITAIN has been told to get rid of the Queen in an official United Nations report.

The UN Human Rights Council says the UK must “consider holding a referendum

on the desirability or otherwise of a written constitution, preferably

The demand by the council, which includes regimes like Saudi Arabia and Cuba among its 29 members, caused outrage last night.

Advisers to the Queen refused to comment publicly. But privately they admitted being astonished.

With Countries like Saudi Arabia and Sudan pushing for this, one wonders at the insanity of these great thinkers.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Salman Rushdie

War Profiteering in Iraq

A BBC investigation estimates that around $23bn (£11.75bn) may have
been lost, stolen or just not properly accounted for in Iraq.

For the first time, the extent to which some private contractors have
profited from the conflict and rebuilding has been researched by the
BBC's Panorama using US and Iraqi government sources.

A US gagging order is preventing discussion of the allegations.

The order applies to 70 court cases against some of the top US companies.

Read More BBC NEWS | Middle East | BBC uncovers lost Iraq billions

Jian Ghomeshi Q Radio on CBC Radio

Q | CBC Radio

Fantastic interviews and Ghomeshi is a great radio personality/interviewer.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Could the Zeppelin return to service?

Germany is producing zeppelins again. More than 70 years after the
infamous Hindenburg disaster, its latest airship was gently guided out
of the hangar doors last month to make its maiden test flight.

Zeppelin NT, built from endowment money left behind by German airship
pioneer Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, will make further test flights
around Friedrichshafen over the coming months, before flying to London
- where a former contestant from The Apprentice, Rory Laing, plans to
offer tourist joyrides over the capital for £150 a throw.

Read more

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

School gave me diploma illegally

Forsyth Central High School gave me passing marks in Economics,
Statistics, and 12th Grade Literature, in which I did not deserve. I
totally failed my Lit. exam scoring a 24, but on my report card it was
recorded as an 80, which was just enough for me to pass. Same with
Econ., I missed the exam completely, didn't even take it, yet it was
recorded as a 100 on my report card. With Stat., I didn't turn in most
of my assignments, but I wasn't given zeros, instead they were just
left blank so it wouldn't count against me. I know it's wierd for me to
complain about passing, but I was planning on being a 5th year senior
and now my plans are messed up. I don't know what type of lawsuit this
would be, or what kind of compensation I should be asking for (I would
like to get my diploma revoked if at all possible). Also, not sure if I
should be sueing the actual school, or just the individual teachers.
All I know is that it can't possibly be legal for a school to pass a
student without merit. Also, I kind of have a short time window as I'd
like to be reinstated before the next school year starts in August, and
I know these lawsuits take a long time to get resolved, and I don't
even know if it's possible to get one done that quickly, but I'd like
to try. Anyway, regardless of the circumstances, I would still like to
know if I have a case. Please help me out as I am desperately seeking

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Shocking news from Isael--incest out of control,9171,1809880,00.html

Among Israel's ultra-orthodox Jews, the Haredim, social workers are
often called "child-snatchers" and the police "Cossacks," harking back
to the 19th century pogroms against Jews in Russia. These cloistered
communities, in which women are expected to raise and financially
support their large families while their husbands spend their days
stooped over the Torah, make up 10% of Israel's population and a third
of Jerusalem's, and consider themselves defenders of a core morality in
Jewish society. But that moral authority has come under scrutiny since
evidence began to emerge in March of incest, rape and child abuse in
four different ultra-orthodox enclaves around the country.

Click the link above to read more

Hillary deserves more respect

I'm totally disgusted by the right-wing spin doctors who've managed to turn people against Hillary Clinton. Robert Kennedy Jr. said that Americans are the most entertained and least informed of all people in the world. A majority of Americans still believe that Obama is a Muslim.

Truth has nothing to do with anything when it comes to what people believe during this dreadful period of US history. I believe that Republican evil doers have managed everything in this election year in order to gain a win for McCain.
The push to have Hillary throw in the towel when it is her perfect right to continue attempting to win the Democratic Nomination is amazing given that she is still winning Primaries.
I have nothing against Obama but I hate the protracted putting down of Hillary especially when the accusations are based on hearsay and idle gossip that isn't based on truth.

A Bank that won't screw you

The JAK Members Bank, or JAK Medlemsbank is a cooperative, member-owned bank based in Skovde, Sweden. JAK is an acronym for Jord Arbete Kapital in Swedish or Land Labour Capital.
A membership of approximately 35,000 (as of 2008) dictates the bank's
policy and direction. Board of Directors is voted annually by members,
who are allowed only to have one share of the bank. Similar to Islamic banking, the JAK Members Bank does not charge or pay interest on its loans (see Usury). All of the bank's activities occur outside of the capital market
as its loans are financed solely by member savings. As of 2008 members
saved 97 million Euros, of which 86 million are given as loans to
members. Administrative and developmental costs are paid for by
membership and loan fees (effective interest rate on loans is about 2,5% on average).

JAK banking is made possible by saving points system: members
accumulate saving points during saving periods, they use saving points
asking for a loan. The main idea is that one is allowed to take a loan
for himself in the same measure he allows other people to have loans,
saving into his account. For this reason - asking for a loan - earned
saving points must be equal to spent saving points, in order to keep
system sustainability. If a member is borrowing more saving points than
he has, he is obliged to continue accumulating so-called "aftersavings" during repayment period. "Aftersavings" are a fixed quota of money that one has to save after
his loan was given, in order to continue earning saving points. By this
way, at the end of his repayment period, earned saving points will be
equal to spent saving points, and at that time he will be able to have
back all his aftersavings.

Click the link above to learn more.

photos of Animals in Love

The big lie that isn't being discussed regarding the referendum in Quebec

Yet none of the institutions we depend on for justice seemed to give a damn

The Gazette

Published: 6 hours ago

"spoiled" referendum ballots from 1995, off for burning or shredding or
kitty litter or whatever, represent a huge failure of Quebec society.
What we have here is inaction in one of the great political scandals in
Canadian history - arguably, the greatest of them all. If it had
succeeded, its consequences would have far outranked the Pacific
scandal or Beauharnois, Munsinger or sponsorship.

recapitulate, many thousands of perfectly valid No votes in the
sovereignty referendum were thrown out by Parti Québécois poll
officials. More such votes were accepted only because observers on the
scene raised a stink. Nobody knows how many No votes across the
province were, or almost were, illegally invalidated - but their total
could have been decisive in what everyone knew would be a
skin-of-the-teeth poll.

Simply put, this was fraud that could have cost us our country.