Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Muslims attack Muslim kids at sporting event

Two brothers were attacked by opposing ball hockey players and spectators
because of their religion, their father said. Ahmed Buksh said his sons, Elijah,
21, and Izaiah, 20, were playing at the B. C. Institute of Technology gym in
Burnaby on Sunday in a tournament put on by the B. C. Muslim Sports Association.
"It was a targeted attack on two boys. I never saw anything like it," Mr. Buksh
said. "It was just disgusting. They believe we are non-Muslim. At the end of the
day, that is the cause." Mr. Buksh said he and his sons are Muslims, but do not
follow the Sunni branch of the religion, which the sports association favours.
"I just believe in being Muslim," he said. According to Mr. Buksh, the
derogatory comments directed toward the men turned to open hostility during the
early stages of their second game of the tournament. Both were attacked by the
opposing players. One was hit in the head by a stick and the other suffered
broken teeth after being hit in the face. "Before you know it, it was just a
massive riot," said Mr. Buksh. "I went in there as a father and tried to help."

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