Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Malaysia to impose Fatwa against Yoga

Yoga is
becoming very popular in recent times and its followers are increasing
all over the world. The soaring popularity of yoga could be gauged
by the skyrocketing sales of yoga books, classes and equipment all over
the world.

Yoga is a traditional exercise devised by the sagea and hermits of
Hindu religion but now it is spread across all religion with big
followers in Islam and Christanity.

Fearing the growing popularity of yoga the National Fatwa Council of
Malaysia has decided to ban yoga exercise soon. They feel that Muslims
who have taken up yoga to stop practising it for fear that it could
deviate their belief.

Yoga may soon be outlawed in Malaysia, if a prominent body of
clerics which is planning to issue a fatwa on the practice, has its

Malaysia's National Fatwa Council is going to impose
Fatwa on Yoga after Zakaria Stapa, a lecturer of University of
Kebangsaan's Islamic Studies Centre, yesterday advised Muslims who have
taken up yoga to stop practising it fearing that it could deviate their
belief, local news reports said.

"A ruling would be made by
the council's Chairman, Abdul Shukor Husin, in this regard," Deputy
Director-General of the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia,
Othman Mustapha, quoted as saying by New Straits Times online edition.

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