Thursday, April 03, 2008

Oliver Stone's new movie--should be a must see.

Oliver Stone rushes to finish Bush film

Script asks: 'How did an alcoholic bum become most powerful leader in world?'

Ed Pilkington in New York

Thursday April 3, 2008
The Guardian

How different the world might look now if the US president and his advisers
had settled on the phrase Axis of Unbearably Odious, or Axis of Hatred.
But they rejected that and instead plumped for Axis of Evil, and the
rest is history.

So begins the script to Oliver Stone's new movie, W,
on the life of George W Bush, which begins filming this month and will
be produced at speed. Stone, a director with a keen eye for publicity,
is thought to want to get the film into cinemas before the November
presidential election, and certainly before Bush quits the White House
on January 20.


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